The instructions to activate your account will be sent to your email once you have submitted the registration form. If you did not receive this email, your email service provider’s mailing software may be blocking it. You can try checking your junk / spam folder or contact us at [email protected]
You can reach out to us using the Chat With Us feature on this website. We are available to help you troubleshoot any difficulties you may be experiencing with the website.
We at Arpan have worked with children for over 15 years now. During this time we have collected most frequently asked student questions regarding the Personal Safety curriculum. Additionally, we have also identified the best ways of teaching Personal Safety to children. We have incorporated both the most commonly asked student questions and the best practices of teaching Personal Safety in our online courses. You will need a computer (or tablet or phone) and an internet connection to access any of our free online courses.
You can simply visit the following link where you can sign up and register yourself.
Yes, all Arpan online courses are free. For some courses, we will ask you to register with us by providing your email address. For other courses, you can simply start the course without providing an email address.
Yes, you can share our online courses only for non-commercial purposes. When sharing or updating our work, you should also provide us with proper attribution by including the following line in your creation: "This material is originally created and copyrighted by Arpan, an NGO based in Mumbai registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, having registration no. E24873," All content on this site is shared using this creative commons license.